Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Here you can see most of components fastened inside the "case". My old 40 Gb maxtor is not working (damn pins, there should be only SATA =)) Also I will add two 35mm fans and I will have to think where to make the power, reset buttons and LED.


MK said...

How did you learn enough to work on your own hardware?

MK said...

How did you learn enough to work on your own hardware?

MK said...

How did you learn enough to work on your own hardware?

MK said...

How did you learn enough to work on your own hardware?

Anonymous said...

How did you learn enough to work on your own hardware?

MK said...

Sorry, when I clicked the coments, my screen went to an error page so I tried again and again.

NeoTheAwakeninging said...

LOL I got exited that I got 6 comments, I though for a sec while the page was loading that my blog became popular =DDDD That is so funny.

I will try really hard to reply to all of your questions with one answer =) Well even though I was born in Lithuania, computers were around me since I was four. I remember my Dad playing Tetris on DOS, and those cool wallpapers where worms would eat few pixels of the screen til whole screen would be black. Also I clearly remember that the numbers in front of the case had 50 then newer one 65 and if you'd press turbo it would go up to 80! Now I know that those were MHz. Well when Windows 3.1 and later Win 95 I started actually doing something on PC's, I learned how to use ms paint, save my doodles and how to do 3 frame animations (you press Ctrl+Z to undo, F4 I think to redo) And I started playing some games. Then from 7-10 I was separated from computers till I got Pentium II, 266MHz. At that time my older brother (half brother but non the less my BRO! =) So when I got my hands for real on pc, I started playing and installing games...and Woops, Windows 98 did not liked its big registry. So few times my brother had to reinstall windows and he was showing/explaining things as he went on. After few years later we sold and bought newer oc from my brother. My dad did not knew much at all about hardware at that time so me and my bro were choosing a pc. He told me how, what, which was what part, what it did and so forth. I was watching as he built 850MHz AMD Duron (to hide my geekness I will not write full specs) and that was it. After that my brother reinstalled windows for me one time and then I moved to US, bringing that Duron with me (Parent's pc now) Though phone one time he explained me step by step what to do and then he said, thats it, you're on your own. Since then internet was my only PC support. I learned windows tweaking from BLack Viper's website, hardware quality from TOms hardware and other sites. Last summer built myself a system with no help. It is not hard to work with hardware at my level where I am not soldering any parts myself. Just my Power Supply mod is not very safe. I DO NOT ADVISE YOU TO DO THAT.

NeoTheAwakeninging said...

Sorry for a long reply.

About Me

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I'm born in Lithuania in 1988. I have half brother who is eight years older than me and has two kids already, Gabija - girl, and Vitas - a boy. I started learning english in second grade and I grew up in Kaunas, Lithuania. I have traveled around eastern Europe and I am very happy about it. I've been to Russia, Belarus, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Slovakia and Hungary. I moved to Freeport, Long Island (NY) United States in the beginning of 2003. I left most of my relatives and great friends in Lithuania and found new home here in US with my father and stepmother. I've been living here in Long Island for two years now. However I want to travel more around US. Oh and I'm vegetarian =)